Se hvorfor, det er det helt rette tidspunkt at investere i robotløsninger.

Læs rapporten fra IDC, som giver indsigt i den forventede stigning af udgifterne til industrielle robotløsninger, tendenser i fremtidige robotinvesteringer og meget mere. Download Se hvorfor, det er det helt rette tidspunkt at investere i robotløsninger. Whitepaper
Streamline digital CX with conversational AI

With the shift in customer preferences toward digital channels, there’s an expectation for exceptional service and top-tier technological assistance at every stage of their journey—and conversational AI is a key tool to deliver just that. With applications powered by conversational intelligence, your business can expand its reach and drive understanding from customer conversations into every […]
Workflow Quarterly: Leadership Lessons for Uncertain Times

It’s hard to deny that our world is in the midst of profound change. An ongoing global pandemic, extreme weather, economic and market challenges… How can companies use digital technology to navigate the challenges they face to better serve their customers? In this issue of Workflow Quarterly, discover insights designed to help business leaders, like […]